Your assistant is assigned specifically to you and is 100% dedicated to your company. You are not sharing the assistant with anyone else.
Yes. Your assistant already has experience working as a virtual assistant for an American companies. All of our agents have been trained and worked with our sister company Prosper Real Estate based in Eau Claire, WI. Property Management is a very complex business and this prepares them effectively to work in many other industries.
Yes. All of our assistants have some sort of secondary education after High School.
Chatting with Prospects on your website
Giving your small business a more professional image
Posting Ads on Social Media
Researching Marketing options in your Area
We have specialized assistants that are well trained in answering incoming phone calls. If you will be having your assistant answer incoming phone calls for your business you will want to hire the Communication Specialist/Incoming Call Receptionist position.
English is spoken as an official language of the Philippines. All of our assistants speak fluent english, they do however have a distinguishable accent that is much different than an American accent. You can request a sample recording of our assistants voice on the phone if you desire.
All of our assistants are equipped and educated on how to use Microsoft Office, including Outlook, Excel, Word, as well as Google applications including GMAIL, Google Docs, Google Sheets and Google Drive and Google Hangouts. They have been trained on Jivochat for chatting on websites, and Ring Central for talking on the phone. They can be trained to use any other software for your small business.
It is a 14 hour time difference between Cebu City, in the Philippines and Central Standard Time Zone in Chicago, Illinois. The assistant is 14 hours ahead (13 in the summer when it is not daylight savings time). The assistant will work whenever they are needed for your business, 5 days a week and up to 9 hours a day with a 1 hour break.
Compiling Compliance Transaction files
Reviewing Time sheets for Accuracy for Payroll
Replicating Documents
Data Entry
Answering Telephones
Answering Emails
Responding to Website Chat
Conducting Research
Project Management
Perhaps, better than asking what an assistant is capable of is asking what they are not capable of. Prosper has seen that an assistant can be trained on almost any task but it depends on how much time the owner is willing to invest into training the assistant. Prosper does not recommend having any assistants handle any company funds, transfer money in any facet for the business nor have access to application data such as social security numbers. Prosper is not responsible if an owner client allows their virtual assistant to handle any financial matters for the company. We also do not recommend having any Prosper assistants draft any legal contracts creating a relationship between yourself and a 3rd party. Prosper will not be held responsible for any legal contracts that are drafted without their permission.
Many of our Accounting assistant help with reconciling payroll, timesheets and mileage reimbursements. We do not recommend allowing assistants to have the ability to handle money on behalf of your company and Prosper does not accept any liability if the client decides to give their assistant this privilege.
Email and a client relations representative will schedule a 1-on-1 meeting to see how Prosper can help you grow.
Email a client relations representative will schedule a 1-on-1 meeting to see how we can help you grow.